Monday, June 10, 2019
Prostitution as a Social Problem Research Paper
Prostitution as a Social Problem - Research Paper ExampleThis discussion stresses thatthere atomic number 18 tierce classes of prostitutes. Those who belong to the top layer be the discreet call-girls for the affluent. Those in the middle class are the prostitutes who work in strip clubs and massage parlors and who offer backroom services. Those in the lowest layer are the street walkers which include the harlots, hookers and nightwalkers. The prostitutes in the lowest layer are the ones beset by most businesss. Because they are not infra any supervision, they are prone to violence and at a high healthcare risk due to unsafe sexual contact with unscreened clients. These are the prostitutes who are in need of much help.This paper discusses that prostitution involves a lot of personalities. maiden among the group are the prostitutes. In the U.S., the average age of entry into prostitution is 14 . This group which takes on the roles of prostitutes includes children or teens, or adults who entered into systems of prostitution as children or teens. A vast majority also includes the Third man women and children. They are the ones who are often targets of traffickers. These women and children are enslaved and coerced and brought to western nations for use in brothels and massage parlors, or as mail order brides. In some Third World countries, sex tourism is very rampant because it offers cheap prostitution. The second group problematical in prostitution are the pimps. About 80-90% of prostitution involves a pimp.... Foremost among the group are the prostitutes. In the U.S., the average age of entry into prostitution is 14 (SAGE, n.d.). This group which takes on the roles of prostitutes includes children or teens, or adults who entered into systems of prostitution as children or teens. A vast majority also includes the Third World women and children. They are the ones who are often targets of traffickers. These women and children are enslaved and coerced and brought to western nations for use in brothels and massage parlors, or as mail order brides. In some Third World countries, sex tourism is very rampant because it offers cheap prostitution. The second group convolute in prostitution are the pimps. About 80-90% of prostitution involves a pimp. They are either male or female with different ethnic backgrounds and social status. Pimps declare the people in prostitution through coercion, force, drug addiction, or the exploitation of economic, physical or emotional vulnerability (SAGE, n.d.). A major group that is involved in the system of prostitution is the demand side, meaning the johns, tricks, customers and child sexual abusers. These are the people who are into pornography and who go to strip clubs. The other groups who are victims of the system of prostitution are the transgender, lesbian, bisexual and gay youth. Because of the discrimination that they experience from their families and communities, they are often the targets of pimps. Since some societies still find this group unacceptable, prostitution becomes their picking for economic survival. Law enforcement agencies and legislators have a role to play too in prostitution. They are the group who can control, eradicate or contribute to the problem of prostitution in the
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